I'm on a diet right back:) Winter is All for the love of Hutsuls :))))
Unfortunately the truth is revealed that even for the average horse, I became too heavy large cold-blooded horses train, unfortunately, there is little "saddle", and as for love, as you know you can do everything ...
If someone wanted to cheer for me - because in the event of total collapse because of the work I'm doing medium to put it mildly - I invite you to
"Weight Loss Diary" will I am very pleased, everyone cheering in this case is valuable, take into account the basis of these poor pets czterokopytnych ... :).
diary of weight loss is actually a resume, a few years ago odchudzałam also and I'm glad that it is not deleted afterwards:). Its value is the records of that period - and read and remember how it was when I dreamed of a piece of land, about a dog, a memoir of the times "hangar", when everything we threw on Friday and drove to indulge in swinging the lake .... It's fun to read ... the more I am glad that I decided to blog "a real events.
In hucułach fell in love, totally by accident. quite a few years ago, after finishing the project the hall, I went with the "friend of horses" to Gładyszów - Studs Hutsul. Her ideas and her place, she used it and I'm very grateful. Every day ride a horse to ride around and I had a chance to find out how brave, smart and wonderful they are hucułki. Such a small roadster in horses:))) This does not mean that other horses can not be brave, smart and wonderful - they are all for me - but love do not choose:) Although I'm also ciuteniek na hucuły za wysoka, ale zdarzają się takie wyrośnięte trochę ;). Na hucułach właśnie zaliczyłam pierwszy galop przez łąki, pierwsze skoki w terenie, dość specyficzne, bo to były niskie przeszkody, jakieś chaszcze, zwalone pnie drzew, rowy i hucuły brały je odbijając się z wszystkich czterech nog :P. W sumie jedyne co należało robić to im nie przeszkadzać ;) Miłość trwa do dzisiaj, marze o swoich hucułach które będą brykać po mojej łące i wciskać nosy do moich kieszeni w poszukiwaniu marchewek :)))
Gładyszów This not only horses, it is also marvelous surroundings, wonderful wooden architecture of the old churches and old houses.
This is a beautiful area, if I wanted to get out somewhere else, it certainly brałabym into account those around ..
pictures taken by my friend Dominika:)