joy. "I asked a few friendly people about what makes them happy. To my surprise I answered that question just women. The men responded quite as" I do not know .... "Women's Responses were so interesting and provoking reflection, I decided to share them.
For the first source of joy are the stories. For people who are accustomed to the word, the stories are the best food, and perhaps only the best raw material for food. They can be in fact create a lot of new stories. You can change them, embellish, to join together in a new whole. With stories you can create a lot of new stories. This is not the end. And if it does, it can not be predicted. Alessandro Baricco assures us that "You're not really finished, as long as you have in store a good story and someone who you can tell."
second replied that give her joy of travel. Indeed, it travels without interruption. It was wherever we be and where he would be, but probably not enough time. Her travels are not the way from here to there. A journey, a journey - told me. Is still ongoing. Because it's not a real road trip from place to place. The real journey is like a true story - it never ends. And as the stories - some coming, others, and will continue to do it (like a big relay) through the ages, just to travel: there is always someone on the road. Never mind that it is still someone else - either way the journey is ours in common. End of the journey it can not be foreseen. Richard Kapuscinski writes clearly, "I just wanted to cross the border, no matter which, because it was important to me not the goal, no goal, no finish, but the almost mystical and transcendental act of crossing the border."
third asked about what gives her joy, she answered that meeting. Meeting people. Meetings are always a surprise. Nobody will say that he had met with someone who constantly spends time, or that he met someone who she sees every day habit, routine, role or obligation. The meeting is always a journey into the unknown, a journey into the unknown carries the story. They know about those who went on a journey toward others. Those that halted with others, especially those who invited others to their home or were invited to their homes. "We are for each other pilgrims, who in various ways are endeavoring in the effort to a joint meeting," wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
For the fourth and finally the essence of joy is love. But not being darzonym love (knowing the author, I have some doubts), but rather the experience of love for someone. The experience of being in love. Experiencing the extraordinary elation, tajemniczych proroctw, poczucia nieodpartości. Odnajdywanie w sobie poczucia niepowtarzalności tego, co jednak się powtarza i co – jak zauważył Amos Oz – zmienia świat: „W noce naszej miłości czasem się zapominałem, chwilami kierowała mną jakaś pierwotna dysząca istota. Miłość się skończyła, wróciłem do siebie. Wróciłem i nic nie znalazłem. Słone pustkowie. Bezwodne martwe równiny. Kilka tęsknot rozproszonych jak cierniste krzewy”.
Istotą wszelkiej radości jest tajemnica. Jak wtedy, kiedy w gęstym lesie leżymy na młodym mchu i patrzymy między koronami drzew in the middle of the universe. "
Things First / Wieslaw Lukaszewski" Characters "