''Everything, what I really need to know about how to live, what to do and how to find in life, I've learned in kindergarten.
Wisdom was not at the top of the top academic, but there, at the sandbox in kindergarten.
Here's what I learned then:
Share everything.
Play fair.
Do not hit others.
put off things back where you took them.
Clean up after yourself.
Do not take things that do not belong to you.
Apologize when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before eating.
Drain the water in the toilet.
warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Lead balanced life - every day little exhort, Contemplate a little, scratched, paint something, a little singing and potaĆcz, play with and a little popracuj.
Take a nap in the afternoon.
Going into the world, watch out for traffic: take someone's hand, and hold together.
Be aware of the miracles: Remember the bean seed in a plastic cup: the roots go down, the plant grows up and nobody really knows why or how it happens, but we're all like that.
Goldfish, hamsters, white mice and even other thing small bean seed - Everything dies. So are we.
And then I remember fairy tales and the first word that you meet - the biggest word of all - LOOK.
Cause everything I need to know is in there somewhere. Golden Rule and love. And grounds of hygiene. Ecology, politics, justice and healthy life.
Think about how much better would the world be if everyone - the whole world - had cookies and milk at three o'clock every afternoon. And then after-dinner nap under the blanket. Or, if our government and all governments around the world comply with the rules to put off things back where they take and clean up after themselves.
Because no matter how old you are, it is still true that when you go into the world, it is best to take each other's hands and stick together.''
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