These cells are very easy to implement, szybciutkie and absolutely delicious.
mix, roll, and slide the roast:)
I only say so much.
Spicy cheese straws
half teaspoon salt teaspoon curry
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper teaspoon mustard
4 tablespoons butter 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder 15 gr
glass of milk about 2 cups of flour-enough to knead the dough could be.
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper teaspoon mustard
4 tablespoons butter 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder 15 gr
glass of milk about 2 cups of flour-enough to knead the dough could be.
Ser fine mesh scrub, mix all ingredients, knead the dough, rool for about half a cm and cut out the fingers a centimeter wide. Cookies bake about 10 minutes and you have to be careful not too hard to zarumieniĆy, because they can be bitter.
And then you just stay wykrzesanie pinch of common sense, would not disappear in the blink of an eye:)
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